World Association of News Publishers

7th Tablet and App Summit


7th Tablet and App Summit


7th Tablet and App Summit

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Introduction to Programme

*Please note: WAN-IFRA´s Tablet and App Summit is now the Mobile News Summit. 



Tuesday, 14. October 2014

  • 14:00

    Alexis Johann, our Summit Chair, will welcome the attendees and open the conference outlining the programme and giving an overview of his company, Styria digital one.

    Managing Director, Styria digital one, Austria

  • 14:30

    Designing apps for users... and brands

    • Traditional news brands carry their own design codes, embedded in their history. Can you transpose this mindset in an environment where technology companies and social networks have imposed their own design and navigation codes? Are there rules to follow as a news brand if you also want to innovate when engaging with your mobile users? Luke Miller is our special guest this year and will hold three different presentations during the Summit.

    Two tempos: Rhythms for storytelling in the digital age

    • Designer Mario García will pick up where he left off at TAS13, with his focus on the two tempos in the newsroom: 24/7 and curated. "Both are essential. Both are important," he says, "we must create, write, edit and design to accommodate how these two tempos move, almost in perfect and parallel synchronization. These two tempos fulfill the information needs of our audience.

    Experience Designer at Yahoo!

    CEO and Founder of García Media, USA

  • 15:30
  • 16:00

    The Guardian new app: making a next-generation product

    • Almost five years since their first mobile app, the way readers consume the news has dramatically changed. Today, over 40% of the Guardian’s digital content is accessed via mobile and tablet, and this percentage is growing. With this in mind, an in-house team of 25 engineers, journalists, designers and user-interface experts has created the next generation of the Guardian live app. The involvement of readers was crucial during the development, public betas were used to collect early user feedback with more than 10,000 real-world users. Tom Grinsted will explore and share his experience on the project: from the creation of a completely new digital design language to how new features were originated.

    NRCQ: Pioneer news product from NRC Media

    • The app curates the news, combining original articles written by their own team with the best news content from around the company, as well as stories and videos from the Financial Times and Bloomberg. NRCQ is testing specific news formats for mobile users such as “graphic of the day” and the morning news summary “While you were sleeping”. Designed to create user engagement and integrate large ad units or native advertising, NRCQ aims to build new paid subscribers after an initial free trial period. With new mobile apps and news startups like De Correspondent, the pace of news evolution in The Netherlands this year is remarkable. Freek Staps will explain how and why this is happening now.

    Group Product Manager for Mobile and Devices at The Guardian

    Head of NRCQ

  • 17:15

    Answer those questions and they will help you choose system capabilities; determine appropriate advertising formats; native vs responsive development choices; your team structure and your news presentation.

    Experience Designer at Yahoo!

  • 18:00

    The best of the best. European and Asian Digital Media Awards winners will face each other in Amsterdam. These awards recognise publishers who have created groundbreaking digital products that engage readers while growing their online business. Find out more! 

    Share with us drinks and networking moments! 

Wednesday, 15. October 2014

  • 9:30

    Prove your own faith

    • Marjolein Stromeier says brands are now convinced of mobile's importance, but they remain reluctant to invest heavily in mobile advertising; aside from the two dominant forces (Google and Facebook) that monopolize mobile ad money. “Brands recognize that they should add mobile in their marketing mix but for the time being it’s considered as a minor channel to distribute their advertising campaign, and the level of spending is not matching the reality of the media landscape,” she says. “We are asked for proof of success; cases where brands have dedicated important budgets for the use of mobile and where the return on investment can be measured.”
    • Mobile is playing an important role within Sanoma NL, the media company with the leading portfolio in the Netherlands. With their powerful brands, they have a strong market position in all parts of the media industry: magazines, television stations, events, customer media, e-commerce sites and apps. Sanoma was awarded in 2013 as the best media company for integrated, multi-media solutions. Their portfolio includes AutoWeek, Donald Duck, Flow, Grazia, Kieskeurig, Libelle, LINDA., Margriet, Net5,, SBS 6, SchoolBANK, Startpagina, Tina, Viva, vtwonen and Veronica. Victor Beerthuis will present Sanoma´s innovative cases of mobile advertising. 

    Innovative ad formats for mobile platforms

    • One key issue in mobile advertising is the good integration of advertising campaigns as creative formats made for large computer screens are difficult to replicate on smartphones. PubNative’s trick for this is mobile ad customization or native mobile advertising. The service is accessed through an API, and does not require the integration of an SDK (compared to some of their competitors). PubNative initial market was games apps (among recent investors is mobile games marketing platform AppLift) but they have also started to work with publishers, as Eddie de Guia will show at TAS14.
    • Teads.TV is a leading and disruptive ad tech company specializing in digital video advertising solutions. Publishers and ad networks can create premium video inventory with their innovative video ad formats, manage their campaigns and/or monetize their video inventory through Teads.TV's private ad exchanges. The company creates disruptive video ad formats adapted to any type of editorial content. "inRead" powered by Teads.TV is a video ad format and technology that helps publishers to create high value video ad inventory without any video content and on any digital platform.

    Panel discussion with our speakers will follow after presentations. 

    Managing Director, Styria digital one, Austria

    Head of Mobile at Mobext (Havas Media Group)

    Head of Mobile, Sanoma

    Managing Director & Co-Founder, PubNative

    VP Publisher Services EMEA, Teads.TV

  • 11:00
  • 11:30
    • The New York Times - with 50% of its traffic now on mobile - is seizing mobile opportunities with increased urgency, investment and creativity. Across its Core and New Products portfolio, the company is building new mobile product experiences and rethinking what a mobile news report offers. It is also the time for testing new advertising formats and growing a base of both first time users and loyal subscribers. "We're shifting our culture, process and practices across the organization so that mobile is no longer downstream from the Web, and is often the first thing we think about" says Alexandra Hardiman.  

    • Aftonbladet, Sweden's largest newspaper, has been a step ahead when it comes to digital revenue for the past 15 years. It's already a unique case in Europe for mobile advertising equaling print ad revenue. But it is on the area of reader revenue that the newspaper has focused its efforts on during the past year. Its freemium model, Aftonbladet Plus, has 200,000 paid subscribers. Aftonbladet's management team has great ambitions in paid content and this strategic plan takes into account the fact that 60 percent of its newspaper digital traffic hits the "paywall" via their smartphones. Ted Kudinoff will explain what can trigger people to pay when they access Aftonbladet on a smartphone. She will also discuss what she and her team have defined as top actions needed to fully seize the opportunity of this mobile trend.

    Executive Director of Mobile Products at The New York Times

    Managing editor Plus at Aftonbladet, Sweden

  • 12:30

    Based on existing news apps, Luke Miller provides a concrete example for best practices and things to avoid in your apps.

    Experience Designer at Yahoo!

  • 13:00

Date and Location

  • 14 Oct 2014 - 15 Oct 2014

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